these books online . . . Stories & sketches down page
Soft Palace
• Selection of 15 lyrics from Pete Giocondas love songs . . .
Molly G, Jasmine Gold, Naughty Little Lemon, Union True, Alien Cat Lover . . .
Goodbye to Space Invaders
• A varied selection of early poems: surreal, idealistic. Wordplay, freedom and transcendence. Parties, hitching, arrogance, humour, romantic inclinations . . .
<----- Pete Gioconda latest writings
Blood, the Sand and the Sun
• Visionary, surreal and evocative
poems . . .
Terminal Lunar Cataclysm, Sex on Mars, Connected
to Remote Sunrise, Drinking In, Any Good Place,
and more . . .
Mysterious Shadows (in prog)
• Dreamy and evocative poems, including some which have been set to music.
Selection from early poems, through the 1990s and up to the present day . . .
The Outdoor Room (in prog)
• Edgy poems with a threatening feel; others of serenity and transcendence – more to be added as they are finished . . .
of Sadness
• A
philosophical collection of introspective, surreal meanderings,
first published in 1994 by Black Cat Communications. Illustrated.
in the Fog
• A
lyrical selection, first published in 1995 by Pentagraph Press.
<----- Pete Gioconda latest writings