Edible Society


Select by artist or collection, or scroll down page . . .

Dave Vulture

Visionary Paintings

Dave Vulture
Tricia McParlin
Positions Please Life Forms
Ian Frazer
Dreamscapes Dreamscapes
Barbara Godfrey
The Wave
Fairy Peaks

Visit artist’s website

Nick Sanson

Metal Sculptures
Mask Paintings Masks
Chris Bell
Stone Sculptures

“My sculptures are an expression of my life journey which has taken me on a merry dance of self-discovery, working with Native American medicine men, Peruvian shaman, rituals, trance dancing, fasting, and family life with my wife and three children.”

“My sculptures are carved in sandstone or French white limestone.”
Stone Sculptures

E D S O C - G A L E R I E

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All work published on this site is copyright © 2023 by the original artist.
Although work may be viewed or saved for home use,
it may not be reproduced or adapted in any form without the express prior written permission of Black Cat Communications.

Eat some words at EdSoc – Entrée

EdSoc – Poésie


Edible Society

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